Monday, November 17, 2008

Kindergarten Kicked My Butt Today!

And I only did half a day! I am so exhausted and I am headed back tomorrow to do music. I love subbing for the music teacher she always leaves a video! NICE! LOL I have to do high school in the afternoon and I am a bit apprehensive about that so wish me luck!

Other things going on this week are my mom's birthday tomorrow, Alex's birthday Wednesday, I am having a spa party Friday night, and I am so excited that we have all next week off! Bruce has to work Monday but other than that we will be free to do as we please. He and I are owed a date night so I am hopefully going to get dinner and a movie.

Oh and it is 10:30 and I am typing this from bed, I never go to bed before midnight, and I just about ready to hit the hay. I told you kindergarten kicked my butt!


Tina said...

Glad the subbing is going well...And I can only imagine how a room full of Kindergarten aged kids would kick your butt! It's exhausting just thinking about it!

Shasta said...

I think subbing for Kindergarten kids would be fun, but I can imagine it would be tiring too!

I tagged you on my blog, if you want to check it out, go ahead, if not, that's fine too! =)